The route from Karlovo náměstí 293/13 to Příčná 1632/9. The route is approximately 510 meters long and leads over 4 crossings. Stand so that you have a building at your back.
Segment 1 of 11.
You are at the address Karlovo náměstí 293/13. You are located in better mapped area.
Turn to the left and go approximately 150 meters to the round corner with Odborů street. Keep the buildings on your left-hand side.
Segment 2 of 11.
You are at the round corner of Karlovo náměstí and Odborů streets.
Continue straight and cross Odborů street to the oposite corner via crossing with light signalization with one-way traffic from right.
Segment 3 of 11.
You are at the beveled corner of Karlovo náměstí and Odborů streets.
Continue straight and go approximately 10 meters to the crossing to your right. Keep the buildings on your left-hand side.
Segment 4 of 11.
You are at the crossing over the street Karlovo náměstí.
Turn to the right and cross Karlovo náměstí street to the oposite corner via crossing with light signalization with one-way traffic from left and with tram.
Segment 5 of 11.
You are at the footpath corner.
Continue straight and go approximately 110 meters to the foothpath crossing with Karlovo náměstí street. Keep the road on your right-hand side. Keep the green area on your left-hand side.
Segment 6 of 11.
You are at the footpath crossing.
Continue straight and cross Karlovo náměstí street to the oposite corner via crossing with light signalization with two-way traffic.
Segment 7 of 11.
You are at the corner of Karlovo náměstí and Žitná streets.
Turn to the left and go approximately 70 meters slightly downhill to the corner with Řeznická street. Keep the buildings on your right-hand side.
Segment 8 of 11.
You are at the corner of Vodičkova and Řeznická streets.
Continue straight and cross Řeznická street to the oposite corner via crossing with one-way traffic from right.
Segment 9 of 11.
You are at the beveled corner of Vodičkova and Řeznická streets.
Turn to the right and go approximately 80 meters to the corner with Příčná street. Keep the buildings on your left-hand side.
Segment 10 of 11.
You are at the corner of Řeznická and Příčná streets.
Turn to the left and go approximately 40 meters to address Příčná 1632/9 which will be on your left-hand side. Keep the buildings on your left-hand side.
Segment 11 of 11.
You are at the destination. You are at the address Příčná 1632/9.